Most common boilers we repair in Brentwood
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Most common boiler faults
Boiler not turning on
If you have noticed you have no hot water or the central heating is not coming on and you have gone to the gas boiler and there are no light on or the boiler display is blank, the fused spur might have blown, which can happen due to age of the boiler or a power surge that will result in no power to your boiler.
You can try replacing the fuse which is a 3 amp to see if it comes on, if it does restart and does not blow the fuse again then the problem should be resolved.
If it blows the fuse again or it does not come on once the new fuse has been fitted then your will need to call a Gas Safety engineer to come and do a boiler service and diagnose the issue.
Hot water fluctuating when running
If you have a combination gas boiler and find that when you run the hot tap either in the kitchen or bathroom the water keeps fluctuating between really hot and warm constantly, this could mean that the plate heat exchanger is blocked with either limescale or sludge that has built up in the heating system and gone into the boiler.
To resolve this problem you will need to get the heat plate replaced by a Gas Safe engineer and either have the central heating system power flushed and a MagnaClean fitted to the heating return pipe. This could prevent a boiler breakdown or having a new boiler installation.
Radiators not heating
One of the most common problems with a central heating system is the radiators not heating up at all or just getting lukewarm, the first thing to do is to check and make sure there is no air in the radiator by bleeding them with a radiator key.
If you have checked all the radiators for air and one or two radiators are still not heating up properly, or not at all, then you could have a faulty radiator valve or there is a blockage in the central heating system caused by sludge in the radiators.
To resolve this problem you will need to call a heating engineer to advise on the best solution to get this problem fixed, either new radiators, valves or a complete power flush to the heating system.
Leaks / Pressure loss
Leaks on central heating system and in gas boilers is quite common especially with boilers that go years without having a gas boiler service. The boiler could be leaking inside for ages and would not be noticed until the boiler cover has been taken off by a Gas Safe engineer for servicing which sometimes can be too late, the damage is irreversible. Another reason for losing pressure is radiator thermostatic valves leaking.
If you have a combination boiler and you notice the pressure keeps dropping on the pressure dial and you need to keep topping it up, the first thing to check is the pipes and valves on the radiators to see if you have any leaks or weeping. You might see the copper pipe work discoloured.
With most leaks especially gas leaks you will need a professional heating engineer to repair this problem and do a gas safety check.
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